Monday, December 24, 2012

Dec 23-24

After a good 1:45 long run yesterday I closed the day. Prepping everything for Christmas Eve today, some trekking in a local mountain as every dec 24, with the IRONMEX team, to finish the year "going up". It is a 3k uphill and downhill walk. For quite a long time without going to the mountain, i did pretty good!

Dinner tonight, and hopefully training tomorrow.
These holidays just get in the middle of everything. Comes breaking any discipline left in the ones around me, and living where we live, riding alone is not wise. Well, it is never wise to do it alone, and it is even worse here. Hopefully I will get some nice run tomorrow under the belt.

Ayer sabado, con un buen entrenamiento de 1:45 de carrera larga, cerre el dia. El dia de hoy, preparando todo para la cena de Navidad, una caminata por el ajusco como es costumbre, con IRONMEX, todos los 24 de diciembre, para terminar el 2012 subiendo. 3km de subida y bajada total. Para hace tiempo no haber tocado la montana no estoy mal.

Cena hoy, y espero... entrenamiento manana.
 Estas fiestas no ayudan, rompen la disciplina de los que me rodean, y viviendo aqui, no es seguro salir solo. Bueno, salir en la bicicleta no es intelligente hacerlo solo... y aqui, menos. Espero correr manana.

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