Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Run/Bike March 23-24 2013

Determined to run 2:45 - 3 hrs on saturday 23... It has been a while since i felt really good on the run, i don't know what has been going on, maybe it has been too much going on in my life. I still have time but, being realistic, I am worried about this. I need to run a very good marathon in Lanzarote. I do not know much about the bike, I only know it is tough, and I am training accordingly, but I do not know in what condition I am going to finish that bike, so i need to make sure I can run good, very good. I only ran 2 hrs this day. It was a very regular pace.

Sunday, march 24th
100 miles again, the weather was insane, up in the 100s again. I felt great most of the time, suddenly, no calories left to burn, no more energy. Had to eat something, slow the pace a little for a while, then finished. I need to put some more thought into my nutrition and hydration on this long insane rides.

It is less than two months now.

Friday, March 22, 2013


After a week of a big lack of discipline caused by the usual and sometimes unavoidable social events, this week I am feeling the rigor of training. Sleeping poorly, training hard, training hard at night again... and the feeling of being tired all day. I somehow missed this, not meaning that I enjoy feeling like this. It is a 2:45-3hr run tomorrow, then 100 miles sunday... an insane bike course.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

March 10, 2013. LONG distance

LONG Run yesterday, so.. I was out there for 3 hrs, at 2:30 the energy left me, I guess that is natural since it's been two or three weeks since I last ran this long. I stopped at 2:45 feeling a little weak. 19.2 miles. I am not where I was last year. I am slow... Time will fix this I suppose. Need more training.

Almost 100 miles today on the bike. 2880 m total ascent, more than 4,000 kcal burnt... Ended up feeling weak, dizzy, and really bad. But this time I completed the ride. I am not used to quit, and last weekend I did. Well, not anymore. I might have ended up feeling like crap, but I did it this time. I'm back.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Hills and more hills

March 3, 2013. After a terrible beginning and a great closing of a week, we went for a 156k ride. 2300 m total ascent, weird cold for being at some regularly very hot areas.

Felt great during the ride. I am getting used to this again. I didn't run saturday, so I am not back 100%. I need to run a long one before a long ride to be able to tell I am back in shape. The last time I did, last weekend, I didn't finish any of them.

It is 11 weeks for Lanzarote. It is plenty of time. Don't feel ready, not even close. I have not swam enough, I have not ran the way I would be suposed to.

A little concerned. I do not want to show up there as I did in Quebec.