Monday, March 4, 2013

Hills and more hills

March 3, 2013. After a terrible beginning and a great closing of a week, we went for a 156k ride. 2300 m total ascent, weird cold for being at some regularly very hot areas.

Felt great during the ride. I am getting used to this again. I didn't run saturday, so I am not back 100%. I need to run a long one before a long ride to be able to tell I am back in shape. The last time I did, last weekend, I didn't finish any of them.

It is 11 weeks for Lanzarote. It is plenty of time. Don't feel ready, not even close. I have not swam enough, I have not ran the way I would be suposed to.

A little concerned. I do not want to show up there as I did in Quebec.

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