Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Feb 9-10 2013, long run & ride

Back to the mountain for 3:00 hrs, felt much better, not quite perfect, but better than then previous times. It is funny how some people jut can't handle someone behind them, trying to go faster, racing you when all you are doing is following your heartbeat. The majority end up behind almost dead, and their faces tell much more negative stuff when you are already going back and they are still suffering the way up. Why they can't just train and forget about the others?

The ride was... Tough? I had 2.5 hrs sleep, got up really tired but I did go for it. It was a 142.7 km ride, all the time extra aware of everything and extra cautious, considering I did not rest the night before. It is not a smart decision, riding like that. During the ride I would think we were somewhere we had been some time before, and never sure about where we were.

Recovery week.

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