Friday, February 1, 2013

Jan 31, 13

I have been training hard, today was particularly hard to get off the bed, I am sore, been swimming so much, I believe correcting my swim, and that always means sore muscles. The bike and run are fine. My polar had a low battery in the heart rate band... So... The conclusion is it had been pampering me, and I was training a little less hard. These days are not easy, I am so tired at night that it is hard for me to get asleep, and I'm not getting enough rest.

He estado entrenando duro, hoy me costo mucho trabajo levantarme, estoy adolorido, he estado nadando mucho, corrigiendo según yo, y eso siempre significa músculos adoloridos. La bici y la carrera van bien. Mi polar tenía la batería baja en la banda, me estuvo consintiendo. Estos días no son fáciles, estoy tan cansado en la noche que me es difícil quedarme dormido y no estoy descansando bien.

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