Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30, Fartlek

It was a cold morning, weird for the season.

Long interval training. that's 9 min at a good, punishing pace.

I slept no more than 3 hours. Too much in my head.

almost 15 kms in 1:04. Not bad.

"Longest" Run April 27

So, here we go. I am not sure I have been running as I should. I know I have not trained as I usually do for other races, which is kind of stupid considering the difficulty of this particular race, or what I have heard about it.

The goal is 3 hours. Got 3 liters of water in my camelback, a couple of bars and... uncertainty.

I had been training very, very anaerobic, so I thought It would be a good idea to be on that end for a while, well, it was not.
One hour: Good pace, around a 3:15 marathon, feeling good, i'm not focused enough though.
Two hours: I feel the rigor in my legs, still my pace is good, and increased it al little bit to a 3:09 pace marathon.

What happens next? I stop to have something to eat, and when I try to recover the pace it just does not return. I try to stay on the flatter areas to avoid more punishment to my legs, but sooner or later i need to go back to the car and that means a couple of hills. I feel like crap, my pace is so slow It would mean more than 4 hours at this pace for a marathon. It hurts. I stop one time, two, three.. I feel miserable, I am totally wet. I sat for a couple of minutes and the dripping from my hat was amazing.

I never stop during a long run. This is not ok.

Made it to the car after that energy which left me suddenly came back.

What was it this time?

1.I tried to go anaerobic for a long run, at a pace I would not stand right now for a marathon.
2.I needed more calories to burn, and i spent too long without food for almost two hours.
3. Hydration was good this time.
4. Lack of focus during the run. Too much going on at the moment, too much brain activity.

So... the longest run. 36 km... The next longest will be Lanzarote.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

April 25, Track, marathon pace.

I felt good, didn't sleep well though. 11 miles in 1:15. At least I can run.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 23 Interval training Run.

It was a 14k interval run. I felt terrible. A weird pain in the diaphragm like never before which went away with the proper warm up.. Still tired from the weekend? Legs feeling ok. It is the heavy breathing which felt bad at the beginning.

April 20-21 Long ride, long swim, run. Training Camp

The goal: 170k (more than 100 mi) ride on saturday, then a long run on sunday, followed by a 4k swim.

Well, the ride was fine, I don't feel as strong as I should. I felt better 2 years ago, or even last year, when training for the toughest ironman in the world was not the target. I am lacking something, last week it was the cramps, this time I was good, but not as strong and ended very weak. After some 20 minutes I felt really really bad, dizzy, weak... dehydration again? Not enough food during the week? during the ride? The food quality is fine, but maybe not the quantity, maybe I need more food, but time flies and it is less than a month to Lanzarote now. I don't have much time to test nutrition. I felt so bad when I finished that I even considered not doing Lanzarote. Why? I never felt like this before. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong. This is not me. I do not feel ready or sufficiently trained on the most demanding part of this particular race.

The training camp was a success. Not many, but good athletes attended. We started the run a little later than expected, and that made things a little difficult later because of the heat and humidity, but it was a great run. 13-15kmh average, with a max of 19.8 kmh, and a 18kmh for some 3 km. The pace felt great, it was a tough pace, but it felt somehow easy.

The swim is in a river, it must be the most beautiful river I have been to. It is all spring water, it comes out from the ground right there and it goes down for a kilometer, the length of the property. The stream is strong enough to pull you down, but easy enough to let you through if you swim. It was upstream and downstream two times, there you get your 4k. I felt great.

So, the swim feels good, the run feels great, but something is not good with me on the bike.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Recovery week. 33 days to go.

That's it, the last recovery week of this training season prior to Lanzarote. 33 days to the start line.

I feel I am not ready, those cramps the last long ride, my anaerobic system is not strong, but maybe it shouldn't matter as I am not suposed to race anaerobically. It seems like my aerobic system is fine, but it has been better before. I need more confidence, I need more time. This week is getting harder, next weekend is going to be a massacre with more than 100 mi ride, more than 20mi run, and aprox 4k open water swim in a river, upstream. Time flies.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

23.5 Run

Well! After a no finish yesterday, I woke up today with some stamina. 23.5k, 14 something miles. The first 15-20 minutes hurt! Well the legs were not comfortable all the run, but it was not that hard to overcome. I feel satisfied. Need to increase distance NOW. The date is closer.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Going after 100mi. It was all fine until mile 90. Energy going down, In my mind I was hydrating correctly, wrong. It was not lack of energy but a dehydration. Ended up so bad! Double quad cramp, had to stop, the pain was unbearable. Nausea, dizziness, blurry sight...

It all started yesterday I guess. Did not change the training program for riding today, so I did some severe bike interval training yesterday morning and then the hard swim at night; 3450. Here the consequences.

Feel like crap. Not sure if it would be wise to run tomorrow.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Long Weekend. March 29-31

In what was suposed to be a great, long weekend for training, I rode 32km, ran 17k, and did nothing else. I was not feeling good, had a threat of a flu. Gone now.

The "long" run was thursday.

Friday: We were going to ride 160k, one hundred miles, but there was a bike crash at km 32. Had to stop. The rest of the guys kept riding. I stayed with the guy involved in the accident. Nothing to say, this is part of what we do.

I have been feeling good on the bike, so I am not really concerned about not riding that day, we have some weeks left.

I am getting worried about the run, need to stack up distance and increase endurance. My swim has gone worse....

We were watching some Lanzarote videos last night. They give me everything but confidence.

Swam today, feel like I lost strength. This is not fun.