Tuesday, April 30, 2013

"Longest" Run April 27

So, here we go. I am not sure I have been running as I should. I know I have not trained as I usually do for other races, which is kind of stupid considering the difficulty of this particular race, or what I have heard about it.

The goal is 3 hours. Got 3 liters of water in my camelback, a couple of bars and... uncertainty.

I had been training very, very anaerobic, so I thought It would be a good idea to be on that end for a while, well, it was not.
One hour: Good pace, around a 3:15 marathon, feeling good, i'm not focused enough though.
Two hours: I feel the rigor in my legs, still my pace is good, and increased it al little bit to a 3:09 pace marathon.

What happens next? I stop to have something to eat, and when I try to recover the pace it just does not return. I try to stay on the flatter areas to avoid more punishment to my legs, but sooner or later i need to go back to the car and that means a couple of hills. I feel like crap, my pace is so slow It would mean more than 4 hours at this pace for a marathon. It hurts. I stop one time, two, three.. I feel miserable, I am totally wet. I sat for a couple of minutes and the dripping from my hat was amazing.

I never stop during a long run. This is not ok.

Made it to the car after that energy which left me suddenly came back.

What was it this time?

1.I tried to go anaerobic for a long run, at a pace I would not stand right now for a marathon.
2.I needed more calories to burn, and i spent too long without food for almost two hours.
3. Hydration was good this time.
4. Lack of focus during the run. Too much going on at the moment, too much brain activity.

So... the longest run. 36 km... The next longest will be Lanzarote.

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