Monday, April 1, 2013

Long Weekend. March 29-31

In what was suposed to be a great, long weekend for training, I rode 32km, ran 17k, and did nothing else. I was not feeling good, had a threat of a flu. Gone now.

The "long" run was thursday.

Friday: We were going to ride 160k, one hundred miles, but there was a bike crash at km 32. Had to stop. The rest of the guys kept riding. I stayed with the guy involved in the accident. Nothing to say, this is part of what we do.

I have been feeling good on the bike, so I am not really concerned about not riding that day, we have some weeks left.

I am getting worried about the run, need to stack up distance and increase endurance. My swim has gone worse....

We were watching some Lanzarote videos last night. They give me everything but confidence.

Swam today, feel like I lost strength. This is not fun.

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