Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 20-21 Long ride, long swim, run. Training Camp

The goal: 170k (more than 100 mi) ride on saturday, then a long run on sunday, followed by a 4k swim.

Well, the ride was fine, I don't feel as strong as I should. I felt better 2 years ago, or even last year, when training for the toughest ironman in the world was not the target. I am lacking something, last week it was the cramps, this time I was good, but not as strong and ended very weak. After some 20 minutes I felt really really bad, dizzy, weak... dehydration again? Not enough food during the week? during the ride? The food quality is fine, but maybe not the quantity, maybe I need more food, but time flies and it is less than a month to Lanzarote now. I don't have much time to test nutrition. I felt so bad when I finished that I even considered not doing Lanzarote. Why? I never felt like this before. Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong. This is not me. I do not feel ready or sufficiently trained on the most demanding part of this particular race.

The training camp was a success. Not many, but good athletes attended. We started the run a little later than expected, and that made things a little difficult later because of the heat and humidity, but it was a great run. 13-15kmh average, with a max of 19.8 kmh, and a 18kmh for some 3 km. The pace felt great, it was a tough pace, but it felt somehow easy.

The swim is in a river, it must be the most beautiful river I have been to. It is all spring water, it comes out from the ground right there and it goes down for a kilometer, the length of the property. The stream is strong enough to pull you down, but easy enough to let you through if you swim. It was upstream and downstream two times, there you get your 4k. I felt great.

So, the swim feels good, the run feels great, but something is not good with me on the bike.

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